- High-quality analogue and digital sound recordings
- Production of audio documents of all kinds
- Mix-Masterings
- Vinyl
1″ 16 Track Recording
1/2 ” 8 Track Recording
1/4 ” 2 Track Mastering & (Live-)Recording Direct To Mastertape
1/4 ” Mono Recording (perfect for voice recordings) & Mastering
24+ Track Recording
State Of The Art Analog Outboard Equipment
EQs, Compressors, Noisegates, Expander, Microphones, Preamps, Reverberators, Effects
Grand Piano (Patent by August Förster)
Upright Piano (by Berdux)
Fender Rhodes Stage I/ 73
Wurlitzer E‑Piano 100A
Moog Voyager
Moog The Rouge
Moog Theremin
Korg PolySix
Korg MS10
Korg CX1
Solina Strings
Hohner Clavinet Model C
Acoustically calibrated control room and recording rooms with variable reverberation times and room characteristics / Akustisch eingemessene Regie und Aufnahmeräume mit variablen Nachhallzeiten
und Raumcharakteristika.
Relaxed and pleasant recording conditions in the Swabian Alb biosphere region (only three steps from the recording room into nature: Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb
Michael Fetscher (Inh.)
Tel.: +49 (0) 172 | 8 72 00 88
We want to inspire you for this recording space!
In addition to the existing residential studio with a second recording room, a control room, a non-reflecting chamber and a natural stone basement, we are working on the idea of a studio expansion. It will include a new-sounding third large recording room, two guest apartments for a total of 12 people, and a silenced covered outdoor area for concerts that can also be recorded.