Studio WhiteFir
  • High-quality analogue and digital sound recordings
  • Production of audio docu­ments of all kinds
  • Mix-Masterings
  • Vinyl


1″ 16 Track Recording
1/2 ” 8 Track Recording
1/4 ” 2 Track Mastering & (Live-)Recording Direct To Mastertape
1/4 ” Mono Recording (perfect for voice recor­dings) & Mastering

24+ Track Recording

State Of The Art Analog Outboard Equipment
EQs, Compressors, Noisegates, Expander, Microphones, Preamps, Reverberators, Effects

Grand Piano (Patent by August Förster)
Upright Piano (by Berdux)
Fender Rhodes Stage I/ 73
Wurlitzer E‑Piano 100A
Moog Voyager
Moog The Rouge
Moog Theremin
Korg PolySix
Korg MS10
Korg CX1
Solina Strings
Hohner Clavinet Model C

Acoustically cali­brated control room and recor­ding rooms with variable rever­be­ra­tion times and room charac­te­ristics / Akustisch einge­mes­sene Regie und Aufnahmeräume mit varia­blen Nachhallzeiten
und Raumcharakteristika.

Relaxed and plea­sant recor­ding condi­tions in the Swabian Alb biosphere region (only three steps from the recor­ding room into nature: Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb

Michael Fetscher (Inh.)
Phone: + 49 (0) 172 | 8 72 00 88

We want to inspire you for this recor­ding space!

In addi­tion to the exis­ting resi­den­tial studio with a second recor­ding room, a control room, a non-reflec­ting chamber and a natural stone base­ment, we are working on the idea of a studio expan­sion. It will include a new-sounding third large recor­ding room, two guest apart­ments for a total of 12 people, and a silenced covered outdoor area for concerts that can also be recorded.

studio expansion

We will pick you up at the local airport!
(Music by Jonathan Schmid)

To make you feel comfor­table – two guest apartments.